What is the main role of commerce in production?

liigo Business 39

  What are the functions of chambers of commerce?

What is the main role of commerce in production?-第1张图片-liigo

  Chambers of commerce plays a vital role by rendering useful

  services to businessmen and the Government. Services to


  Chambers of commerce serves as friends, philosophers and guides

  to the business commu-nity. Businessmen derive the following

  advantages from chambers of commerce:

  (i) Businessmen get valuable information free of cost.

  (ii) They can expand their business activities with the help of

  suggestions and advice from chambers of commerce.

  (iii) Chambers of commerce creates markets for the products of

  their members by organising fairs and exhibitions.

  (iv) Businessmen get a common forum at which they can discuss

  problems and exchange views on matters of common interest.

  (v) Differences and disputes among businessmen can be solved

  amicably and economically with the help of chambers of


  (vi) Members take advantage of educational and training

  facilities offered by chambers of commerce.

  (vii) Chambers of commerce undertakes research on behalf of

  their members.

  (viii) Chambers of commerce fosters a sense of cooperation's

  among businessmen.

Related Q&A:

What is the main role of commerce in production?

Well, you know, the main role of commerce in production is huge! It helps connect producers with consumers. It allows for the efficient distribution of goods and services. Without commerce, producers would have a hard time getting their products to the people who need them. Commerce also provides feedback to producers about what consumers want and need. Oh, and it helps drive competition, which can lead to better quality products and lower prices. So, basically, commerce is like the glue that holds the production process together and makes it all work smoothly.