How to make money in panfu?

liigo Finance 96

  The Be Smarter game in San Franpanfu has 5 questions.

  If you get them right you make 500 dollars. However, if you get even one of the questions wrong, you make no money and cannot play until tomorrow. Note: In Panfu, when you have to wait a day to do something, that does not necessarily mean the next day, it means once 24 hours is up! You cannot do something at 9:00 pm, be told to wait until tomorrow, and then do it again at 7:00 a.m.! You have to wait till 9:00 or later!

  The 4 Boom game also makes you money. Each time you play the game and win, you get 50 dollars. Even if you lose, you get 10 dollars. There is no limit to the number of times you can play this game!

  Good luck!

  Also: If you are not a gold member, you will not have a lot of choices to spend your money on!

Related Q&A:

How to make money in panfu?

Well, there are several ways to make money in Panfu. You could complete tasks and quests that are given to you. That might involve helping other characters or doing some simple challenges. Another way is to play mini?games and win rewards. You know, if you do well in those games, you can earn some money. Also, keep an eye out for special events or promotions that offer opportunities to make more money. Just be patient and have fun while doing all these things. It might take a little time and effort, but you'll start seeing that money add up!

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