Can your married boyfriend put your name on his life insurance policy?

liigo Business 52

  Life Insurance Policy?

  form_title=Life Insurance Policy form_header=Protect your loved

  ones with a lifetime of financial security. Find a life insurance

  policy customized to fit your needs. What type of life insurance

  policy do you want to buy?=() Term Life Insurance () Permanent

  Life Insurance () Both () Not Sure How large of a life insurance

  policy do you want to buy?=_ Who will it cover?=_ Who would you

  list as beneficiary?=_

Related Q&A:

Can your married boyfriend put your name on his life insurance policy?

Oh, well, that's a tricky one. In most cases, it's not a straightforward thing. You see, if he's married, there are all sorts of legal and ethical issues involved. His marital status might prevent him from doing something like that. Plus, insurance companies have their own rules and regulations. They might not allow it if it seems sketchy or goes against their policies. So, chances are, it's not that simple and probably not a good idea. But it really depends on a bunch of factors that need to be carefully considered.