What does mln mean in finance?

liigo Business 54

  What are the largest U.S banks?

  The 2008 bank atlas was compiled by Moody's from commercial

  banks' annual reports and financial statements.[8] Shareholder

  equity is the assessment of a bank's value in its own markets

  currency valuation at a given point of time relative to other

  currencies. Figures are in U.S. dollars {| ! Rank ! Company !

  Shareholder equity ($m) - | 1 Bank of America 135271 $mln - 2

  Citigroup 119783 $mln - 3 JP Morgan 115790 $mln - 4 HSBC 114928

  $mln - 5 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 81,940 $mln - 6 Royal Bank

  of Scotland Group 78,730 $mln - 7 ING Group 78,088 $mln - 8 Cr└dit

  Agricole 77,462 $mln - 9 Wachovia Corporation 69,716 $mln - 10 BNP

  Paribas 67,378 $mln - |}

Related Q&A:

What does mln mean in finance?

Well, in the world of finance, \MLN\ often stands for \Million\ You know, when people talk about amounts of money or financial figures, they might use \MLN\ as a shorthand way to say \million\ For example, if they say \5 MLN\ they mean 5 million. It's a common abbreviation used to make things a bit quicker and easier in financial discussions and reports. But always make sure to understand the context to be sure of the exact meaning! Hope that clears things up for you!