Barclay career school in new york 1984?

liigo Business 58

  What is the difference between a job and a carreer?

Barclay career school in new york 1984?-第1张图片-liigo

  A job is: A regular activity performed in exchange for


  A position in which one is currently employed.

  A career is:

  A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation.

  The general course or progression of one's working life or one's

  professional achievements over time your job is what you are doing

  today. Your career is what you've done over the past years and what

  you plan to do in the future. So when you think "career", you have

  to think long-term. All the jobs are not included in the career. A

  career is something that you build during your lifetime. Jobs are

  often times task-oriented positions to help meet the goals of an

  organization or business. Jobs are often a means to an end.

  for example a trained doctor driving taxi in Toronto or New

  York. In the beginning that is not their career. They take up that

  'job' to support themselves and family. They might do other jobs

  apart from driving taxi. After meeting, if they do, the needed

  requirements they might pursue there medical practice and that will

  be the career. That's the difference.