How much transaction for month in SBI?

liigo Business 37

  How do you write application for transaction rights with net banking?

  Transaction right for SBI Banksir. i have applied for my transaction right linked with my S.B.I internet banking to my home branch in bazar branch Daltonganj. its a serious complaint and i m facing lot of problem due to that .please inform me what to do foir that and please inform me on my mail or my mob no.8092755842.its one week going on for my application to the branch

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How much transaction for month in SBI?

Well, it really depends on a bunch of factors, you know. The amount of transactions in SBI for a month can vary greatly. It could be just a few if it's a slow month, or it could be a whole bunch if there's a lot of economic activity or if it's a peak season for certain industries. Also, it depends on the types of accounts and the customers' financial behaviors. Sometimes, people have more frequent transactions for business purposes, while others might have fewer for personal use. So, there's no one?size?fits?all answer to that question. It's kind of hard to give an exact number without more specific details.