What message being implied in th advertisement of cigarette from human?

liigo Business 38

  What does implicate mean?

  An implication is something implied (said indirectly or suggested).1. something to be inferred or understood: e.g. I resent any implication of dishonesty.2. the act of implying: His implication of immediate changes surprised us.3. the state of being implied: to know only by implication.4. In logic, the relation that holds between two propositions, or classes of propositions, by virtue of which one is logically deducible from the other.5. The act of implicating: His implication of his accomplices helped our case.

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What message being implied in th advertisement of cigarette from human?

Oh boy, the message often implied in cigarette advertisements from humans can be really misleading and dangerous! You know, they might try to make smoking seem cool, sophisticated, or stress?relieving. But let me tell you, that's a bunch of baloney! They don't show the real harm it causes to our health, like cancer, heart problems, and breathing difficulties. It's just a way to try and hook people in, especially young folks, without giving them the full picture. We gotta be smart and see through this nonsense!