What is a Writ of garnishment?

liigo Business 40

  Can they garnish your paycheck or tax return for the remaining balance on your repoed van?

  A creditor would have no authority regarding a tax refund. But

  they can file suit and if they win, receive a writ of judgment.

  They could then use the judgment as a wage garnishment according to

  the laws of the state where the debtor lives. Texas, South

  Carolina, North Carolina and Pennsylvania do not allow wage

  garnishment by creditors. All other states have established their

  own garnishment statutes, most follow the federal wage garnishment


Related Q&A:

What is a Writ of garnishment?

Oh boy, a Writ of garnishment is a legal tool, you know? It's basically an order that allows a creditor to take money or property that belongs to a debtor from a third party, like an employer or a bank. Say someone owes a bunch of money and the creditor gets this writ, it can force that third party to hand over some of the debtor's funds or assets to satisfy the debt. It's a pretty serious thing in the legal world! But it's not something that happens all the time.