What happens when you get into debt?

liigo Business 61

  What happens to a mortgage after a bankruptcy?

What happens when you get into debt?-第1张图片-liigo

  What happens to a mortgage after bankruptcy depends on whether

  or not the debt is reaffirmed. If the mortgage is reaffirmed the

  homeowner continues to pay it as if the bankruptcy had not been

  filed, since the debt has not been discharged. If the debt is not

  reaffirmed, what happens to the mortgage depends on the policies of

  the individual lender.

Related Q&A:

What happens when you get into debt?

Oh boy, when you get into debt, it can be a real headache. First off, your credit score takes a hit, which makes it super hard to get loans or good interest rates in the future. Your creditors start calling and sending letters, bugging you all the time. You might have to cut back on a lot of things you enjoy, like going out to eat or buying new clothes. And if it gets really bad, you could even face legal actions. It's just a big mess and something you really want to avoid, you know?