Discuss money is what money can buy?

liigo Finance 34

  Money is what money can buy means that money is only as valuable as what it can get you. For instance, during a natural disaster, money will not buy essentials like electricity and water, deeming it useless.

  This overly-simple statement refers to the liquidity of money. If you had $5, you could walk into any store and purchase anything that cost $5. So you technically have every good that costs $5. In other words, money is so easily transformed into goods that it is like having the good itself.

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Discuss money is what money can buy?

Well, let me tell you, money can buy a lot of things, like a nice house, a fancy car, and all kinds of cool gadgets. But you know what? It can't buy true love or real friendship. Oh, and it can't buy good health or inner peace either. Sometimes, people think that having a ton of money will solve all their problems, but that's not always true. It can give you material possessions, but it can't guarantee happiness or a meaningful life. Ya know what I mean?