You have maxed out your insurance for the year where can you find secondary dental plan?
To find companies in your state that provide dental insurance or dental discount plans, go to the National Association of Dental Plans site ( which has a directory of companies that offer dental insurance. The directory can be searched by state and you can select "individual" and get the list of just those companies that provide individual dental insurance in your state. The listing also tells you if the company provides dental HMO, dental PPO, dental indemnity (traditional insurance without a network) or a discount plan (not insurance but a discount off the dentist's fees who are part of the discount network).
Related Q&A:
: Are premiums for dental insurance providers 1099 reportable?-Well, usually, premiums for dental insurance providers might not be directly 1099 reportable. But it really depends on a bunch of factors. Like, if the payments were made to an individual as non-employee compensation, then it could be reportable. However, if it was just a normal payment to a legitimate insurance company, it might not fall under the 1099 reporting requirements. Ya know, it can get a little confusing. It's best to check with a tax professional or refer to the specific tax laws and regulations to be sure. Oh, and don't forget to keep all your documentation just in case!