Can you deposit cash into someone else's account?

liigo Finance 60

¡¡¡¡What if someone wants to put money in your bank?

Can you deposit cash into someone else's account?-第1张图片-liigo

¡¡¡¡Yes. There are no restrictions as to who can deposit cash into a

¡¡¡¡checking account. Anyone can deposit cash into anyone else's

¡¡¡¡account as long as they know the account number of the account into

¡¡¡¡which they want to deposit cash. For ex: I can walk into the bank

¡¡¡¡branch where you hold a checking account and deposit $500 into it

¡¡¡¡if I know the account number. Nobody will ask or question me as to

¡¡¡¡why I am doing soa€|

Related Q&A£º

Can you deposit cash into someone else's account£¿-

Well, usually you can deposit cash into someone else's account. But it might depend on the policies of the specific bank or financial institution. Some places might require you to have certain authorizations or fill out some forms to do that. You know, it's all about making sure everything is on the up and up and there's no funny business going on. But in many cases, as long as you have the right account details and maybe some identification, it should be doable. Oh, and it's always a good idea to double-check with the bank first to avoid any headaches or confusion.