What is the interest you pay for the use of credit called?

liigo Business 42

  What is the amount of interest you pay to use credit?

  The rate and amount you pay depends on the terms of the credit

  you use. For instance, if you get a mortgage to buy a house, the

  interest rate might be 4% a year. For every $100 of the unpaid

  balance you pay the mortgage company $4. However, a credit card

  might have an interest rate of 21%. For every $100 that you owe to

  credit card company, you will pay $21- every year- plus the $100

  that you owed.

Related Q&A:

What is the interest you pay for the use of credit called?

Well, the interest you pay for the use of credit is typically called \credit interest\ or \interest charges\ Oh my goodness, it's basically the cost you have to bear for borrowing money on credit. For example, if you use a credit card and don't pay off the balance in full each month, the amount you owe keeps accruing interest. And that can add up really quickly, you know? So it's super important to be aware of those interest rates and manage your credit wisely.