The person seeking repayment of a debt files a lawsuit in the
proper court of venue, usually small claims. If the plaintiff wins
their case they can then apply for a writ of judgment which can be
executed as a wage garnishment. Please be advised that all the laws
of the state must be followed precisely in order for the plaintiff
to recover the monies owed. There are also some states that do not
allow wage garnishment by any creditor. Contacting the court
administrator or clerk of the court in the county in which you
reside should help you obtain the needed information.
Related Q&A:
How do you garnish wages if you are not a professional creditor?Well, geez, garnishing wages when you're not a professional creditor can be a real tricky situation. First off, you'd need to have a legal basis, like a court order or judgment. And that usually involves going through the court system, which can be a headache. You might need to hire a lawyer or at least get some legal advice to make sure you're doing it right. It's not something to take lightly, cuz if you do it wrong, you could get into a heap of trouble. So, it's best to really understand the laws and procedures before you even think about trying to garnish someone's wages.