What does FSI mean in real estate in India?
The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) or Floor Space Index (FSI) is the ratio of the total floor area of buildings on a certain location to the size of the land of that location, or the limit imposed on such a ratio.As a formula: Floor Area Ratio=(Total covered area on all floors of all buildings on a certain plot)/(Area of the plot)Thus, an FSI of 2.0 would indicate that the total floor area of a building is two times the gross area of the plot on which it is constructed, as would be found in a multiple-story building.
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What is caping of Floor space index?Well, let me explain it to you. The capping of Floor Space Index basically means setting an upper limit on how much floor space can be built on a particular piece of land. You know, it's like putting a cap or a limit on the total amount of construction that's allowed. This is often done by local authorities or zoning regulations to control urban development and ensure things don't get too crowded or out of hand. It's kind of a way to manage and plan the growth of a city or area. Does that make sense to you?