Are you responsible for your spouse's debts?
yes * Only if the couple reside in a community property state
and the debt is incurred during the marriage. All CP states allow a
spouse to use the "innocent spousal" defense concerning marital
debts if the spouse was not aware of the debt made or had no
control over the matter. Texas and Wisconsin are not "true"
community property states when it relates to marital debts solely
incurred. In all other states sole debts belong to the spouse who
incurred them.
Related Q&A:
Is a spouse responsible for any debt incurred by the other spouse in Minnesota?Well, in Minnesota, it's not a straightforward yes or no answer. Generally speaking, a spouse might be responsible for certain debts incurred by the other spouse, but it depends on a bunch of factors. For instance, if the debt was for something that benefited the family as a whole, like a mortgage or groceries, then they could be on the hook. But if it was a debt that only one spouse racked up for personal reasons and the other had no knowledge or didn't benefit from it, they might not be liable. Oh boy, it can get pretty complicated!