You need to be clearer on exactly what you're describing. The US
did at one time print a $100000 bill, but it was never in
circulation and it was used basically for internal bookkeeping by
the US government (to transfer large amounts of money between
departments). Also, it wasn't "gold", but orange.
It's more likely that you've got some kind of (essentially
worthless) novelty item.
Related Q&A:
Who can you sold the 100000 bill Dollar gold print?Oh boy, that's a tricky question! You can't just sell something like a 100,000 bill Dollar gold print to just anybody. First of all, it's important to make sure it's legal to own and sell such an item. If it is, then maybe you could look for serious collectors or numismatists who have an interest and the means to purchase something so valuable. But, man, you gotta be careful and follow all the laws and regulations. It's not something to take lightly, for sure.