Almost anyone can get a car loan. Question is, should you? My advice based on years of buying vehicles both new and used. Buy something you can pay cash for and leave the auto loans to the suckers. Once you save some more money, sell that car and move up, always paying cash. Never ever buy a brand new vehicle. Let the suckers buy new and loose al that hard earned cash. Buy used certified! Less money and better warranty than a new car. Take this advice and you will never regret it.
Almost anyone can get a car loan. Question is, should you? My advice based on years of buying vehicles both new and used. Buy something you can pay cash for and leave the auto loans to the suckers. Once you save some more money, sell that car and move up, always paying cash. Never ever buy a brand new vehicle. Let the suckers buy new and loose al that hard earned cash. Buy used certified! Less money and better warranty than a new car. Take this advice and you will never regret it.